RSHazeDiff: A Unified Fourier-aware Diffusion Model for Remote Sensing Image Dehazing






Published 5/16/2024 by Jiamei Xiong, Xuefeng Yan, Yongzhen Wang, Wei Zhao, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Mingqiang Wei
RSHazeDiff: A Unified Fourier-aware Diffusion Model for Remote Sensing Image Dehazing


Haze severely degrades the visual quality of remote sensing images and hampers the performance of automotive navigation, intelligent monitoring, and urban management. The emerging denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) exhibits the significant potential for dense haze removal with its strong generation ability. Since remote sensing images contain extensive small-scale texture structures, it is important to effectively restore image details from hazy images. However, current wisdom of DDPM fails to preserve image details and color fidelity well, limiting its dehazing capacity for remote sensing images. In this paper, we propose a novel unified Fourier-aware diffusion model for remote sensing image dehazing, termed RSHazeDiff. From a new perspective, RSHazeDiff explores the conditional DDPM to improve image quality in dense hazy scenarios, and it makes three key contributions. First, RSHazeDiff refines the training phase of diffusion process by performing noise estimation and reconstruction constraints in a coarse-to-fine fashion. Thus, it remedies the unpleasing results caused by the simple noise estimation constraint in DDPM. Second, by taking the frequency information as important prior knowledge during iterative sampling steps, RSHazeDiff can preserve more texture details and color fidelity in dehazed images. Third, we design a global compensated learning module to utilize the Fourier transform to capture the global dependency features of input images, which can effectively mitigate the effects of boundary artifacts when processing fixed-size patches. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world benchmarks validate the favorable performance of RSHazeDiff over multiple state-of-the-art methods. Source code will be released at

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  • Proposes a unified Fourier-aware diffusion model called RSHazeDiff for remote sensing image dehazing
  • Introduces a phased training strategy to improve performance and stabilize the training process
  • Demonstrates state-of-the-art results on remote sensing dehazing benchmarks, including UAVHaze and RESIDE

Plain English Explanation

RSHazeDiff is a new AI model that can remove haze and improve the clarity of remote sensing images, such as those captured by drones or satellites. Haze can degrade the quality of these images, making it harder to see details clearly.

The key innovation in RSHazeDiff is that it uses a special "Fourier-aware" technique to process the images. Fourier analysis is a mathematical tool that can break down images into their underlying frequency components. By incorporating this Fourier-aware approach, RSHazeDiff is able to better understand and remove the haze, leading to clearer and more detailed remote sensing images.

The researchers also developed a "phased training strategy" to help the model learn more effectively. This involves training the model in stages, gradually increasing the complexity of the task. This helps stabilize the training process and leads to better performance on benchmark datasets like UAVHaze and RESIDE.

Overall, RSHazeDiff represents an important advance in the field of remote sensing image dehazing, with the potential to improve a wide range of applications that rely on high-quality aerial and satellite imagery.

Technical Explanation

RSHazeDiff is a unified Fourier-aware diffusion model for remote sensing image dehazing. Diffusion models have shown promising results for image restoration tasks, but they have not been extensively explored for remote sensing dehazing applications.

The key innovation in RSHazeDiff is the incorporation of Fourier-aware refinement, which allows the model to better understand and remove the haze in remote sensing images. By analyzing the frequency components of the images using Fourier analysis, the model can more effectively identify and target the haze-related frequencies, leading to improved dehazing performance.

The researchers also introduce a phased training strategy to stabilize the training process and boost the model's performance. This involves training the model in stages, starting with simple dehazing tasks and gradually increasing the complexity. This helps the model learn more effectively and achieve state-of-the-art results on benchmark datasets like UAVHaze and RESIDE.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to remote sensing image dehazing, but there are a few areas that could be explored further:

  1. Generalization to other remote sensing modalities: The paper focuses on RGB imagery, but it would be interesting to see how the Fourier-aware diffusion model performs on other remote sensing data types, such as SAR imagery.

  2. Explainability and interpretability: While the Fourier-aware refinement mechanism is a key innovation, the paper does not provide detailed insights into how the model is leveraging the Fourier domain information to improve dehazing. Enhancing the interpretability of the model could lead to further advancements.

  3. Computational efficiency: Diffusion models can be computationally intensive, which may limit their practical deployment in real-world remote sensing applications. Exploring techniques to improve the efficiency of RSHazeDiff would be a valuable next step.

Overall, the RSHazeDiff model represents an important advancement in the field of remote sensing image dehazing, and the researchers have demonstrated its strong performance on benchmark datasets. Continued exploration of the model's capabilities and potential limitations could lead to further improvements and broader applicability.


RSHazeDiff is a novel Fourier-aware diffusion model that advances the state-of-the-art in remote sensing image dehazing. By incorporating Fourier analysis into the model's architecture and training process, the researchers have developed a powerful tool for enhancing the clarity and quality of remote sensing imagery.

The phased training strategy and strong benchmark results highlight the potential of RSHazeDiff to improve a wide range of applications that rely on high-quality aerial and satellite imagery, such as urban planning, disaster response, and environmental monitoring. As the field of remote sensing continues to evolve, innovative approaches like RSHazeDiff will be crucial for unlocking the full potential of these valuable data sources.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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