
Maintainer: jagilley

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Last updated 5/19/2024
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Model overview

The controlnet-seg model is a Cog implementation of the ControlNet framework, which allows for modifying images using semantic segmentation. The ControlNet framework, developed by Lvmin Zhang and Maneesh Agrawala, adds extra conditional control to text-to-image diffusion models like Stable Diffusion. This enables fine-tuning on small datasets without destroying the original model's capabilities. The controlnet-seg model specifically uses semantic segmentation to guide the image generation process.

Similar models include controlnet-hough, which uses M-LSD line detection, controlnet, the base ControlNet model, controlnet-scribble, which uses scribble inputs, controlnet-hed, which uses HED maps, and controlnet-normal, which uses normal maps.

Model inputs and outputs

The controlnet-seg model takes in an image and a text prompt, and generates a new image that combines the input image with the text prompt using semantic segmentation as a guiding condition. The model's inputs and outputs are as follows:


  • Image: The input image to be modified
  • Prompt: The text prompt describing the desired output image
  • Seed: The random seed used for image generation
  • Guidance scale: The strength of the text prompt's influence on the output
  • Negative prompt: A prompt describing what should not be in the output image
  • Detect resolution: The resolution used for the semantic segmentation detection
  • DDIM steps: The number of steps used in the DDIM sampling process


  • Generated images: The resulting image(s) that combine the input image with the text prompt, guided by the semantic segmentation


The controlnet-seg model can be used to modify images by leveraging semantic segmentation as a guiding condition. This allows for more precise control over the generated output, enabling users to preserve the structure and content of the input image while transforming it according to the text prompt.

What can I use it for?

The controlnet-seg model can be used for a variety of creative and practical applications. For example, you could use it to recolor or stylize an existing image, or to generate detailed images from high-level textual descriptions while maintaining the structure of the input. The model could also be fine-tuned on small datasets to create custom image generation models for specific domains or use cases.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of the controlnet-seg model is its ability to preserve the structure and details of the input image while transforming it according to the text prompt. This could be particularly useful for tasks like image editing, where you want to modify an existing image in a specific way without losing important visual information. You could also experiment with using different input images and prompts to see how the model's output changes, and explore the limits of its capabilities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The controlnet model, created by Replicate user jagilley, is a neural network that allows users to modify images using various control conditions, such as edge detection, depth maps, and semantic segmentation. It builds upon the Stable Diffusion text-to-image model, allowing for more precise control over the generated output. The model is designed to be efficient and friendly for fine-tuning, with the ability to preserve the original model's performance while learning new conditions. controlnet can be used alongside similar models like controlnet-scribble, controlnet-normal, controlnet_2-1, and controlnet-inpaint-test to create a wide range of image manipulation capabilities. Model inputs and outputs The controlnet model takes in an input image and a prompt, and generates a modified image that combines the input image's structure with the desired prompt. The model can use various control conditions, such as edge detection, depth maps, and semantic segmentation, to guide the image generation process. Inputs Image**: The input image to be modified. Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired output image. Model Type**: The type of control condition to use, such as canny edge detection, MLSD line detection, or semantic segmentation. Num Samples**: The number of output images to generate. Image Resolution**: The resolution of the generated output image. Detector Resolution**: The resolution at which the control condition is detected. Various threshold and parameter settings**: Depending on the selected model type, additional parameters may be available to fine-tune the control condition. Outputs Array of generated images**: The modified images that combine the input image's structure with the desired prompt. Capabilities The controlnet model allows users to precisely control the image generation process by incorporating various control conditions. This can be particularly useful for tasks like image editing, artistic creation, and product visualization. For example, you can use the canny edge detection model to generate images that preserve the structure of the input image, or the depth map model to create images with a specific depth perception. What can I use it for? The controlnet model is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of applications. Some potential use cases include: Image editing**: Use the model to modify existing images by applying various control conditions, such as edge detection or semantic segmentation. Artistic creation**: Leverage the model's control capabilities to create unique and expressive art, combining the input image's structure with desired prompts. Product visualization**: Use the depth map or normal map models to generate realistic product visualizations, helping designers and marketers showcase their products. Scene generation**: The semantic segmentation model can be used to generate images of complex scenes, such as indoor environments or landscapes, by providing a high-level description. Things to try One interesting aspect of the controlnet model is its ability to preserve the structure of the input image while applying the desired control condition. This can be particularly useful for tasks like image inpainting, where you want to modify part of an image while maintaining the overall composition. Another interesting feature is the model's efficiency and ease of fine-tuning. By using the "zero convolution" technique, the model can be trained on small datasets without disrupting the original Stable Diffusion model's performance. This makes the controlnet model a versatile tool for a wide range of image manipulation tasks.

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The controlnet-scribble model is a part of the ControlNet suite of AI models developed by Lvmin Zhang and Maneesh Agrawala. ControlNet is a neural network structure that allows for adding extra conditions to control diffusion models like Stable Diffusion. The controlnet-scribble model specifically focuses on generating detailed images from scribbled drawings. This sets it apart from other ControlNet models that use different types of input conditions like normal maps, depth maps, or semantic segmentation. Model inputs and outputs The controlnet-scribble model takes several inputs to generate the output image: Inputs Image**: The input scribbled drawing to be used as the control condition. Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired image. Seed**: A seed value for the random number generator to ensure reproducibility. Eta**: A hyperparameter that controls the noise scale in the DDIM sampling process. Scale**: The guidance scale, which controls the strength of the text prompt. A Prompt**: An additional prompt that is combined with the main prompt. N Prompt**: A negative prompt that specifies undesired elements to exclude from the generated image. Ddim Steps**: The number of sampling steps to use in the DDIM process. Num Samples**: The number of output images to generate. Image Resolution**: The resolution of the generated images. Outputs An array of generated image URLs, with each image corresponding to the provided inputs. Capabilities The controlnet-scribble model can generate detailed images from simple scribbled drawings, allowing users to create complex images with minimal artistic input. This can be particularly useful for non-artists who want to create visually compelling images. The model is able to faithfully interpret the input scribbles and translate them into photorealistic or stylized images, depending on the provided text prompt. What can I use it for? The controlnet-scribble model can be used for a variety of creative and practical applications. Artists and illustrators can use it to quickly generate concept art or sketches, saving time on the initial ideation process. Hobbyists and casual users can experiment with creating unique images from their own scribbles. Businesses may find it useful for generating product visualizations, architectural renderings, or other visuals to support their operations. Things to try One interesting aspect of the controlnet-scribble model is its ability to interpret abstract or minimalist scribbles and transform them into detailed, photorealistic images. Try experimenting with different levels of complexity in your input scribbles to see how the model handles them. You can also play with the various input parameters, such as the guidance scale and negative prompt, to fine-tune the output to your desired aesthetic.

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The controlnet-hough model is a Cog implementation of the ControlNet framework, which allows modifying images using M-LSD line detection. It was created by jagilley, the same developer behind similar ControlNet models like controlnet-scribble, controlnet, controlnet-normal, and controlnet-depth2img. These models all leverage the ControlNet framework to condition Stable Diffusion on various input modalities, allowing for fine-grained control over the generated images. Model inputs and outputs The controlnet-hough model takes in an image and a prompt, and outputs a modified image based on the provided input. The key highlight is the ability to use M-LSD (Modified Line Segment Detector) to identify straight lines in the input image and use that as a conditioning signal for the Stable Diffusion model. Inputs image**: The input image to be modified prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired output image seed**: The random seed to use for generation scale**: The guidance scale to use for generation ddim_steps**: The number of steps to use for the DDIM sampler num_samples**: The number of output samples to generate value_threshold**: The threshold to use for the M-LSD line detection distance_threshold**: The distance threshold to use for the M-LSD line detection a_prompt**: The additional prompt to use for generation n_prompt**: The negative prompt to use for generation detect_resolution**: The resolution to use for the M-LSD line detection Outputs Output image(s)**: The modified image(s) generated by the model based on the input image and prompt. Capabilities The controlnet-hough model can be used to modify images by detecting straight lines in the input image and using that as a conditioning signal for Stable Diffusion. This allows for precise control over the structure and geometry of the generated images, as demonstrated in the examples provided in the README. The model can be used to generate images of rooms, buildings, and other scenes with straight line features. What can I use it for? The controlnet-hough model can be useful for a variety of image generation tasks, such as architectural visualization, technical illustration, and creative art. By leveraging the M-LSD line detection, you can generate images that closely match a desired layout or structure, making it a valuable tool for professional and hobbyist designers, artists, and engineers. The model could be used to create realistic renders of buildings, machines, or other engineered systems, or to generate stylized illustrations with a strong focus on geometric forms. Things to try One interesting aspect of the controlnet-hough model is its ability to preserve the structural integrity of the input image while still allowing for creative expression through the text prompt. This could be particularly useful for tasks like image inpainting or object insertion, where you need to maintain the overall composition and perspective of the scene while modifying or adding new elements. You could try using the model to replace specific objects in an image, or to generate new scenes that seamlessly integrate with an existing background. Another interesting direction to explore would be combining the controlnet-hough model with other ControlNet models, such as controlnet-normal or controlnet-depth2img, to create even more sophisticated and nuanced image generations that incorporate multiple conditioning signals.

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The controlnet-canny model is a variation of the ControlNet family of AI models developed by Lvmin Zhang and Maneesh Agrawala. ControlNet is a neural network structure that allows diffusion models like Stable Diffusion to be controlled by adding extra conditions. The controlnet-canny model specifically uses Canny edge detection to modify images. This model can be compared to other ControlNet variants like controlnet-hough, controlnet-scribble, and controlnet-seg, each of which uses a different type of conditional input. Model inputs and outputs The controlnet-canny model takes an input image and a text prompt, and generates a new image that combines the content and structure of the input image with the semantics described in the text prompt. The input image is first processed using Canny edge detection, and this edge map is then used as a conditional input to the diffusion model alongside the text prompt. Inputs Image**: The input image to be modified Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired output image Low Threshold**: The low threshold for Canny edge detection High Threshold**: The high threshold for Canny edge detection Outputs Image**: The generated output image that combines the input image's structure with the prompt's semantics Capabilities The controlnet-canny model can be used to generate images that preserve the structure of the input image while altering the contents to match a text prompt. For example, it can take a photograph of a building and generate an image of that building in a different style or with different objects present, while maintaining the overall shape and layout of the original. This can be useful for tasks like architectural visualization, product design, and creative concept exploration. What can I use it for? The controlnet-canny model and other ControlNet variants can be used for a variety of creative and practical applications. For example, you could use it to generate concept art for a video game, visualize architectural designs, or explore different stylistic interpretations of a photograph. The ability to preserve the structure of an input image while modifying the contents can be particularly valuable for tasks where maintaining certain spatial or geometric properties is important. Things to try One interesting aspect of the controlnet-canny model is its ability to selectively highlight or emphasize certain edges in the input image based on the Canny edge detection parameters. By adjusting the low and high thresholds, you can experiment with different levels of detail and focus in the generated output. This can be useful for emphasizing or de-emphasizing certain structural elements, depending on your desired artistic or design goals.

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