Principled Preferential Bayesian Optimization

    Read original: arXiv:2402.05367 - Published 5/30/2024 by Wenjie Xu, Wenbin Wang, Yuning Jiang, Bratislav Svetozarevic, Colin N. Jones
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    • Preferential Bayesian Optimization (BO) aims to optimize a black-box function using only preference feedback over pairs of candidate solutions, rather than numerical function values.
    • The paper proposes a method to construct a confidence set of the black-box function using the preference feedback, and then develops an optimistic algorithm to solve the problem.
    • The method comes with theoretical guarantees on the total cumulative regret, which is a first for preferential BO, and also allows for reporting an estimated best solution with a guaranteed convergence rate.
    • Experiments show the method outperforms existing heuristic approaches, which lack these theoretical guarantees.

    Plain English Explanation

    In many real-world optimization problems, we may only have access to relative preferences between different solutions, rather than the actual numerical values of the function we are trying to optimize. This is known as preferential Bayesian optimization.

    The researchers in this paper propose a new method to tackle this challenge. Instead of trying to estimate the actual function values, they construct a confidence set of the function using only the preference feedback. This confidence set represents the range of function values that are consistent with the observed preferences.

    They then develop an "optimistic" algorithm that chooses the next solution to evaluate based on this confidence set. This algorithm enjoys strong theoretical guarantees on its performance - specifically, it has an upper bound on the total "regret" (or difference between the optimal function value and the values of the solutions it has chosen so far).

    This is the first time such theoretical guarantees have been shown for a preferential Bayesian optimization method. The guarantees also allow the researchers to design a scheme to report an estimated best solution, with a promise that this solution will converge to the true optimum.

    The experiments show that this new method outperforms existing heuristic approaches, which may work well in practice but lack any formal performance guarantees.

    Technical Explanation

    The core technical idea is to construct a confidence set of the black-box function using only the preference feedback. Inspired by the likelihood ratio idea from statistics, the researchers develop a computationally efficient way to build this confidence set.

    They then propose an optimistic algorithm that chooses the next solution to evaluate based on maximizing an "optimistic" estimate of the function value within this confidence set. This algorithm is shown to have an information-theoretic bound on the total cumulative regret, a first-of-its-kind result for preferential Bayesian optimization.

    The regret bound further allows the researchers to design a scheme to report an estimated best solution, with a guaranteed convergence rate to the true optimum. This is an important practical consideration, as it allows the method to not only optimize well, but also provide a high-quality solution at the end.

    The experiments evaluate the new method on a variety of test problems, including sampled instances from Gaussian processes, standard test functions, and a thermal comfort optimization problem. The results show that the proposed approach stably achieves better or competitive performance compared to existing heuristic methods, which however lack the theoretical guarantees.

    Critical Analysis

    The paper makes a significant contribution by providing the first theoretical guarantees for preferential Bayesian optimization. This is an important step forward, as most existing approaches in this domain rely on heuristics without any formal performance analysis.

    That said, the theoretical results assume the preference feedback is noiseless, which may not always hold in practice. The authors acknowledge this limitation and suggest extending the analysis to the heteroscedastic case with noisy preferences as an interesting direction for future work.

    Additionally, the paper does not address the issue of safety constraints in the optimization process, which is an important consideration in many real-world applications. Incorporating such constraints into the preferential BO framework could be another fruitful area for further research.

    Finally, while the experiments demonstrate the empirical advantages of the proposed method, it would be helpful to have a deeper analysis of its performance on a wider range of problems, including those with unknown physical constraints. This could provide more insights into the method's strengths, weaknesses, and the types of optimization tasks it is best suited for.


    This paper presents a novel approach to preferential Bayesian optimization that comes with strong theoretical guarantees on the optimization performance. By constructing a confidence set of the black-box function using only preference feedback, and then developing an optimistic algorithm to navigate this set, the method is able to efficiently optimize the function while also providing a high-quality estimated solution.

    The theoretical and empirical results showcase the advantages of this approach over existing heuristic methods, which lack such formal performance bounds. While the current work has some limitations, it opens up several promising directions for future research in preferential optimization, with the potential to make these techniques more robust and applicable to a wider range of real-world problems.

    This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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