Diversifying by Intent in Recommender Systems

Read original: arXiv:2405.12327 - Published 8/12/2024 by Yuyan Wang, Cheenar Banerjee, Samer Chucri, Fabio Soldo, Sriraj Badam, Ed H. Chi, Minmin Chen
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  • Recommender systems that focus solely on short-term user engagement can actually harm the long-term user experience.
  • Optimizing for long-term user experience is challenging because the desired signal is sparse, noisy, and manifests over a long time horizon.
  • This paper explores incorporating higher-level user understanding, specifically user intents, to improve whole-page recommendation and optimize for long-term user experience.

Plain English Explanation

Recommender systems are algorithms that suggest content or products to users based on their preferences and behavior. However, these systems often optimize for short-term metrics like clicks or time spent on the platform, which can sometimes lead to an inferior long-term user experience.

The reason this can happen is that the true signal for long-term user satisfaction is often difficult to measure. It's "sparse, noisy, and manifests over a long horizon," meaning it's not always clear what will keep users engaged and satisfied in the long run.

To address this, the researchers in this paper propose incorporating a deeper understanding of user intents. User intents refer to the underlying goals or motivations that drive a user's interactions with a recommender system, such as their desire to explore new interests or engage with content related to a specific topic.

By modeling these higher-level user intents, the researchers develop a diversification framework that can select a mix of recommended items that cater to different user intents. This helps ensure that users are consistently exposed to a variety of content that aligns with their underlying interests, leading to a better long-term experience.

The researchers tested their intent-based diversification framework on one of the world's largest content recommendation platforms, and found that it resulted in increased user retention and overall enjoyment. This suggests that considering user intents can be a powerful way to optimize recommender systems for long-term user satisfaction, rather than just short-term engagement.

Technical Explanation

The core of the researchers' approach is a probabilistic intent-based whole-page diversification framework. They start with a prior belief about the user's intents, based on their past interactions and behavior. Then, at each position on the recommended page, the framework selects an item that is likely to appeal to the user's various intents, while also updating the posterior beliefs about those intents.

This process ensures that the recommended page presents a diverse set of content that aligns with the user's underlying intents, rather than simply optimizing for immediate engagement. The researchers' framework incorporates the user's exploration intent, which captures their propensity to discover new interests and content.

To evaluate the effectiveness of their approach, the researchers conducted live experiments on one of the world's largest content recommendation platforms, which serves billions of users daily. The results showed that their intent-based diversification framework led to an increase in user retention and overall user enjoyment, validating its ability to facilitate long-term user satisfaction.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge the challenge of optimizing for long-term user experience, as the desired signal is often "sparse, noisy, and manifests over a long horizon." Their approach of incorporating user intents into the recommendation process is a promising step towards addressing this challenge.

However, the paper doesn't delve into the potential limitations of their intent-based diversification framework. For example, it's unclear how well the framework would perform in scenarios with more complex or evolving user intents, or how it might scale to platforms with an extremely diverse user base and content catalog.

Additionally, the paper does not provide detailed insights into the specific user intents that were modeled or how they were defined and measured. Further research could explore how to define and capture user intents more effectively, and how to diversify recommendations based on these intents.

Overall, the researchers' work represents an important step towards understanding and leveraging user intents to optimize recommender systems for long-term user satisfaction. Further research in this area could yield valuable insights for the design of more sustainable and user-centric recommendation algorithms.


This paper demonstrates the potential benefits of incorporating higher-level user understanding, specifically user intents, into the recommendation process to optimize for long-term user experience. By developing a probabilistic intent-based diversification framework, the researchers were able to increase user retention and overall enjoyment on a major content recommendation platform.

The findings suggest that considering user intents can be a powerful way to move beyond short-term engagement metrics and design recommender systems that truly serve the long-term interests and satisfaction of users. As the field of recommender systems continues to evolve, this research highlights the importance of looking beyond immediate signals and incorporating a more holistic understanding of user behavior and preferences.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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